Thursday, 12 April 2012

Marlene King's new twitter picture

There has been a lot of speculation over Marlene King's new twitter picture which looks like this:

Here are some of the theories so far that I have found on it. 


1.) That the mystery "Big A" isn't the leader of the A team but infact a follower of Mona who was revealed to be A on March 19th. 

2.) Sheep are known to follow each other. It is said that if one sheep jumps of a cliff the others will follow. Is that what happened to this A team? Someone joined and they all followed like sheep?

3.) It is not a coincidence that the sheep are red. Marlene tweeted that red is a colour to look out for in Season 2, the finale and season 3. Red in the main colour that Big A has been seen in. E.g. The red coat. 

4.) In the UK farmers normally spray paint their sheep red to make it distinct to their particular sheep. This is known as a identity tag, which is also attached to each individual sheep's ear with a number. 

5.) Sheep can be used as a metaphor. Meaning if someone is called a 'sheep' it means that they are "timid, defenceless individuals who would rather follow than make their own decisions. 

6.) "Wolf in Sheep's clothing". This quote means someone that hides under a guise of innocence. 

7.) "Black Sheep" meaning someone who is known as a disgrace in their family. 

These theories gives you a starting point to make what you think it means. Emily? Aria? Both disgraces upon their families. Emily? Hiding under a guise of innocence? Tell me in the comments below!  

Links (Giving Credit)

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